The Abhishek Banerji

Abhishek Banerji


It is very essential to lay a healthy foundation of development for children right from their school days, enabling them to grow into strong, confident and amazing adults. Providing them with opportunities to spark their curiosity, nurture their creativity and strengthen their character leads them to becoming adults with a healthy self-esteem and an empowering mindset.

With special attention to varied learning styles and employing the most modern trends of classroom management, we provide highly educating, engaging and entertaining training modules for students as well as teachers teaching these students.

Our student training modules are

  • Public Speaking & Presentation Skills
  • Storytelling & Clowning
  • Speech & Drama
  • Goal Setting &Time Management
  • Psychometric testing & Personality Development
  • Creativity & Problem Solving
  • Empathy & Interpersonal Skills
  • Student Leadership Program (SLP)
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Teenage Life Skills Bootcamp
  • Theatre in Education (TIE) for Educators
  • Youth Entrepreneurship & Leadership Development (YELDP)


Employability depends on your knowledge, skills and attitudes and how you present them to your employers. Now, more than ever recruiters are looking beyond the material mastered in classrooms. Nine in ten employers acknowledge that they are asking their employees to take on more responsibilities and to use a broader range of skills than in the past.

Along with good technical understanding and subject matter expertise, employers often outline a set of skills that they expect an ideal employee to possess. These skills are what they believeequip the employee to carry out the role to the best of their ability.

Various reports and recruitment insights have pointed to the fact that, when it comes to a job seeker’s skills, employers are looking for team players who can solve problems, organize their work, and communicate effectively. More often than not, skills like effective oral and written communication, creativity and critical thinking, leadership, team work, adaptability, self-motivation, networking, problem solving, selling skills, negotiation and assertiveness make it to the list of “top must-have skills” for college graduates & job-seekers etc.

Our student training modules are

  • Campus to Corporate
  • GD – PI (With Mock Sessions)
  • Psychometric Testing & Personality Assessment
  • Effective Managerial Skills
  • Advanced Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
  • Negotiation & Assertiveness
  • Creativity & Lateral Thinking
  • Leadership and Team Work
  • Conversation to Conversion: Selling Skills
  • Business Etiquette & Grooming (By Associates)
  • Personal Branding & Image Management (By Associates)


"Because every picture tells a story."