The Abhishek Banerji

Abhishek Banerji

Abhishek Banerji

Abhishek Banerji is a Birla Young Indian award-winning integrative psychotherapist, a mental health practitioner, a registered expressive arts-based therapist (registration number : N/19/22), a creative leadership consultant to companies, a youth entrepreneurship and leadership development mentor, an internationally certified emotional intelligence coach, a theatre artist, a keynote speaker, a guest lecturer, a writer, an entrepreneur and a former chemical engineer.


"Because every picture tells a story."


Evolve – Integrative Center for Applied Psychology & Creative Expression

is a multidisciplinary organization for : Student and Corporate Development, Mental Health & Emotional Wellness, Integrative Psychotherapy & Counselling, Entrepreneurship & Leadership Development and Artistic & Creative Expression.

With a wide array and amalgamation of offerings we cater to a populace from 8 years of age to 80. We have worked with schools, colleges, companies, hospitals, NGOs, communities, summits, festivals etc. all across India. At Evolve, we seek to educate, empower and equip our clients with distinctive cognitive, emotional and psycho-social skills that help them achieve success, fulfilment, growth, peace and balance in various dimensions of life.

“An epiphany enables you to sense creation not as something completed, but as constantly becoming, evolving, ascending. This transports you from a place where there is nothing new to a place where there is nothing old, where everything renews itself, where heaven and earth rejoice as at the moment of creation.” -Abraham Isaac Kook

The Epiphany Arts Foundation aims to foster performance arts as a facilitative catalyst in the journey of being, believing and becoming for both – the artiste and the audience, the performer and the patron, the ‘stager’ and the ‘spectator’ through the cohesive power of storytelling and the embodied experience of experimental theatre. It is a laboratory of thought, feeling and reflection on the amorphous, abstract and organic nature of human experience unbridled and untarnished by the rigmarole of the mechanistic mundane.


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