The Abhishek Banerji

Abhishek Banerji


In times of today, when customer centricity is of paramount importance and every company hankers for customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, it becomes very essential to train the employee’s that deal with your clients. After all, your employees are the face of your company to the clients. No matter how alluring your store-front, website, logo, or company vehicles are – sales maximization and increased customer lifetime value is deeply influenced by employees and their interaction with your customers. But,

“Customer satisfaction starts with employee satisfaction”

Make your employees feel valued and enhance employee engagement and productivity with our curated and customized training programs & workshops. Provide them with an opportunity to learn, grow and work in a collaborative manner. After a thorough Training Need Analysis (TNA) of the organisation, we design and develop these workshops with the highest Return on Training Investment (ROTI) in mind using latest experiential and facilitative tools and techniques. We offer various customized competency and capability building trainings.

Our corporate training modules are

  • Employee Orientation & Induction
  • Train the Trainer & Facilitation Skills
  • Effective Leadership & Influence
  • Psychometric Testing & Analysis
  • Negotiation & Assertiveness
  • High Impact Teams
  • Emotional Intelligence & Stress Management
  • Selling Skills & Customer Delight
  • Critical & Lateral Thinking
  • Business Etiquette and Image Management
  • Business Communication & Presentation Skills
  • Goal Setting & Problem Solving
  • Adaptability & Flexibility
  • Corporate Drama & Theatre Workshops
  • Customized Capability Competency Development Workshop